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4. M. Gechman Project management of large software-intensive systems: controlling the software development process CRC Press (Eng)
5. X. Larrucea, I. Santamaria, R.V. O'Connor, R. Messnarz Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement Springer Nature Switzerland (Eng)
6. M. Kuhrmann, J. Munch, I. Richardson, A. Rausch, H. Zhang (eds.) Managing Software Process Evolution: Traditional, Agile and Beyond – How to Handle Process Change Springer International Publishing (Eng)
7. P. Bourque, R.E. Fairley (Editors) Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge, Version 3.0, SWEBOK IEEE (Eng)
8. J. Munch, O. Armbrust, M. Soto, M. Kowalczyk Software Process Definition and Improvement. The Fraunhofer IESE Series on Software and Systems Engineering Springer Berlin Heidelberg (Eng)

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