M 21- Rad u vodecem casopisu medjunarodnog znacaja.
[1] Prvulovic S., Gluvakov Z., Tolmac J., Tolmac D., Matic M., Brkic M. : Methods for determination of biomass energy pellets quality, Energy and Fuels, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp 2013–2018, 2014.( ISSN 0887-0624)
[2] Prvulovic Slavica , Mosorinski Predrag, Radosav Dragica, Tolmac Jasna, Josimovic Milica, Sinik Vladimir, Determination of the temperature in the cutting zone while processing machine plastic using fuzzy-logic controller (FLC), Ain Shams Engineering Journal, Vol. 13, No. 3, May 2022, 101624 , Accepted 26 October 2021, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asej.2021.10.019 ISSN2090-4479
M 22
[1] Prvulovic Slavica, Micic Ivica, Radosav Dragica, Josimovic Milios, Juric Slobodan, Novakov Vladislav, Testing the energy efficiency of CHP engines and cost-effectiveness of biogas plant operation, IET RENEWABLE POWER GENERATION, 2023;17:555–562.DOI10.1049/rpg2.12614 ISSN 1752-1416
M 23 Rad u medjunarodnom casopisu
[1] Prvulovic, S., Tolmac, D., Radovanovic, Lj. : Researching results energetics charakteristics convection drying, STROJNISKI VESTNIK (JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING), 54 (2008) 9, pp. 639-644. (ISSN 0039-2480). (M23)
[2] Tolmac, D., Prvulovic, S., Radovanovic, Lj. : Contribution to the development of technology fog crystallization og sugar – glucoze monohydrate, HEMIJSKA INDUSTRIJA, Vol.61, No.5a, str.317-320, (2007). ( ISSN 0367-598X). (M23), (Maticni naucni odbor za materijale i hemijske tehnologije).
[3] Tolmac, D., Prvulovic, S., Dimitrijevic, D., Tolmac, J. : A Comparative analysis of theoretical models and experimental research for spray drying, MATERIALS AND TECNOLOGY, 45 (2011) 2, pp.131-138. (ISSN 1580-2949), (M23)
[4] Prvulovic, S., Tolmac, D., Radovanovic, Lj. : Application of Promethee-Gaia Methodology in Choice of Systems for Drying Paltry-Seeds and Powder Materials, Strojniški Vestnik – Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 57 (2011) 10, 778-784. ISSN 0039-2480.
[5] Prvulovic Slavica; Tolmac Dragisa; Lambic Miroslav:, Dimitrijevic D., Tolmac J.,Experimental and theoretical investigation of drying technology and heat transfer on the contact cylindrical dryer, Materiali in tehnologie, 46 (MAR-APR 2012 ), 2, p 115-121. (ISSN 1580-2949), (M23)
[6] Tolmac, D., Prvulovic, S., Lambic, M., Pavlovic, M., Dimitrijevic, D., Experimental and Theoretical Study of Energy Characteristics of a Rotating Cylinder , Strojarstvo: Journal for Theory and Application in Mechanical Engineering, Vol.53 No.6, 477- 484, (2011). (ISSN 0562-1887) (M23).
[7] Prvulovic, S.,Tolmac, D., Dimitrijevic, D., Tolmac, J., RESEARCH OF SENSIBILITY AND TENDECY ROTORS TO UMBALANCE, Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association (JBTA), Vol. 18, No 3, 365–380 (2012)(ISSN 1310-4772) (M23)
[8] Prvulovic, S., Tolmac, D., Brkic, M., Radovanovic, L. , The analysis of energetic and economic parameters during the utilization of corn grain as a fuel for cereal dryers, (2013), Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning and Policy 8 (4) , pp. 412-419 ) ISSN 1556-7257 (M23)
[9] Tolmac, D.; Prvulovic, S.; Dimitrijevic, D., Tolmac, J., Matic, M. : Results Of Automatic Air Quality Monitoring in Smederevo (Serbia) and Specific Assessment of The Situation , Source: JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND ECOLOGY Volume: 14 Issue: 2 Pages: 414-421. Published: 2013. (M23) ISSN 1311-5065
[10] Tolmac Dragisa M Prvulovic Slavica Lambic Miroslav R Radovanovic Ljiljana Z Tolmac Jasna , Global Trends on Production and Utilization of Biodiesel (Article), ENERGY SOURCES PART B-ECONOMICS PLANNING AND POLICY, (2014), vol. 9 br. 2, str. 130-139
[11] Tolmac, J. Josimovic, Lj., Prvulovic, S., Cvejic, R., Radovanovic Lj., Blagojevic, Z. and Brkic, M.,Results of research on the energetic and economic efficiency of the use of biomass for heating an agricultural farm, ENERGY SOURCES, PART B: ECONOMICS, PLANNING, AND POLICY (2016), vol. 11, br. 1, str. 96–101 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15567249.2011.574188
[12] Aleksic, A., Tolmac, J., Micic, R., Tolmac, D., Prvulovic, S., Analysis of the complexity of the operational project from the aspect of management and minimum risk of project, OXIDATION COMMUNICATIONS 39, No 4-I, 3212–3222 (2016). pp.(2212-3222), ISSN0209-4541
[13] Prvulovic Slavica, Lambic Miroslav, Matic Marija, Tolmac Dragisa, Radovanovic Ljiljana, Josimovic Ljubisa, Solar energy in Vojvodina (Serbia): Potential, scope of use, and development perspective (Article), ENERGY SOURCES PART B-ECONOMICS PLANNING AND POLICY, (2016), vol. 11 br. 12, str. 1111-1117
[14] Prvulovic Slavica, Josimovic Ljubisa, Matic Marija, Tolmac Dragisa, Radovanovic Ljiljana, :Resource potential and scope of the use of renewable energy sources in Serbia, ENERGY SOURCES PART B-ECONOMICS PLANNING AND POLICY, (2016), vol. 11 br. 10, str. 901-910
[15] Gluvakov Z., Prvulovic., Josimovic, Lj. Igic S.: INVESTIGATION OF ENERGETIC CHARACTERISTICS OF AGRICULTURAL AND WOOD BIOMASS PELLETS, Oxidation Communications 40, No 3, pp.1245–1253 (2017), ISSN0209-4541
[16] Prvulovic, S., Tolmac, D., Matic, M., Radovanovic, Lj., & Lambic, M., :Some Aspects of The Use of Solar Energy in Serbia, : Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy, vol.13, No.4, pp. 237-245, (2018).ISSN 1556-7257
[17] Vulovic, M., Prvulovic S., Vulovic , S.: Control model of turbo-machine vibrations with the help of Bode and Nyquist plots, Comptes rendus de l’Acad´emie bulgare des Sciences Tome 71, No 11, 1528-1534, 2018. ISSN 1310-1331
[18] Predrag Mošorinski1, Slavica Prvulovic, Ljubiša Josimovic, DETERMINATION OF THE OPTIMAL CUTTING PARAMETERS FOR MACHINING TECHNICAL PLASTICS, Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 54 (2020) 1, 11–15. (ISSN 1580-2949)
[19] Jasna Tolmac, Slavica Prvulovic, Marija Nedic, Dragiša Tolmac : Analiza parametara cevovodnog transporta sirove nafte, Hemijska Industrija, Vol. 74, No. 2 (2020), pp. 79-90, ISSN 2217-7426
[20] Prvulovic Slavica , Josimovic Milica, Radosav Dragica, Tolmac Jasna, Jovanovic Sasa, Micic Ivica, (2022) DETERMINING THE THERMAL ENERGY REQUIRED TO HEAT A BIOGAS PLANT FERMENTER, Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology, Vol. 56, No 1, pp. 11–17, ISSN 1580-2949, UDK 662.989 M23
M 24
[1] Tolmac Dragiša, Prvulovic Slavica, Tolmac Jasna, Stankov Sanja, Analiza rezultata istrazivanja na sprej sušari za skrobne suspenzije, FME Transactions, vol. 46, br. 1, str. 129-132, 2018 M24
M 51 Rad u vodecem casopisu nacionalnog znacaja
[1] Prvulovic, S., Tolmac, D., Lambic, M. : Convection Drying in the Food Industry, Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR e-journal, Vol.IX, No 9, pp.1-12, (2007). (ISSN 1682 – 1130), ASAE (American Society of Agricultural Engineering). M51
[2] Mihajlovic, I., Zivkovic, Z., Prvulovic, S., Štrbac, N., Factors influencing job satisfaction in transitional economies, Journal of General Management, vol.34, No.2, p.71-87, (2008), (ISSN 0306-3070). M51
[3] Tolmac, D., Prvulovic, S., Lambic, M. : The Mathematical Model of the Heat Transfer for the Contact Dryer, FME Transactions, Vol.35, No 1, pp.15-22, (2007). (ISSN 1451-2092). M51
[4] Prvulovic, S., Tolmac, D., Lambic, M., Radovanovic, Lj. : Efects of Heat Transfer in a Horizontal Rotating Cyilinder of the Contact Dryer, Facta Universitatis, Vol. 5, No 1, pp.47-61, (2007). (ISSN 0354 – 2025). M51
[5] Tolmac, D., Prvulovic, S., Lambic, M., Radovanovic, Lj. : Energetska efikasnost konvektivnog sušenja, (UDK: 66.041:536.2), casopis Savremena Poljoprivredna Tehnika, br.1-2, str. 19-25, Naucno društvo za poljoprivrednu tehniku, Novi Sad, (2008). UDK: 631(05), (ISSN 0350-2953). M51
[6] Prvulovic, S., Tolmac, D., Radovanovic, Lj. : Analiza efekata investicionih ulaganja u industriji preradjevina od kukuruza, (UDK: 633.15:330), casopis Savremena Poljoprivredna Tehnika, br.1-2, str. 13-18, Naucno društvo za poljoprivrednu tehniku, Novi Sad, (2008). UDK: 631(05), (ISSN 0350-2953). M51
[7] Tolmac, D., Prvulovic, S., Radovanovic, Lj. : Effect of Heat Transfer on Convection Dryer with Pneumatic Transport of Material, FME Transactions , Vol.36, No.1, pp.45-49, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Balgrade, (2008). (ISSN 1451-2092). M51
[8] Prvulovic, S.,Tolmac, D., Zivkovic, Z.,Radovanovic, Lj., Multi- criteria decision in the choice of advertising tools, casopis Facta Universitatis, Mechanical Engineering Vol. 6, No 1, pp. 91 – 100. (2008). (ISSN 0354 – 2025). M51
[9] Tolmac , D., Prvulovic, S., Štrbac, N., Radovanovic, Lj. : Materijalni i energetski balans, casopis Savremena poljoprivredna tehnika, br. 3, str. 185-190, Naucno društvo za poljoprivrednu tehniku, Novi Sad, (2009), (ISSN 0350-2953). M51
[10] Prvulovic, S., Tolmac, D., Blagojevic, Z., Experimental Research on Energetics Characteristices of Starch Dryer, FME Transactions, Vol.37, No.1, pp.47-52, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Balgrade, (2009). (ISSN 1451-2092). M51
[11] Prvulovic, S., Štrbac, N. Nikolic, Dj., Primena poslovne etike i etickih kodeksa u domacim kompanijama, casopis Ekonomika preduzeca, pp.415-423, novembar-decemmbar (2009) . (UDC 65) (YU ISSN 0353-433X). M51
[12] Tolmac, D., Blagojevic, Z., Prvulovic, S., Tolmac, J., Radovanovic, Lj. : Experimental study on drying kinetic and energetic characteristics of convection pneumatic dryer, FACTA UNIVERSITATIS (Mechanical Engineering), Vol.8, No.1, pp.89-96, (2010), (ISSN 0354 – 2025). M51
[13] Tolmac, D., Josimovic, Lj., Prvulovic, S., Dimitrijevic, D. : Experimental and Numerical Studies of Heat Transfer and Kinetic Drying of Convection Pneumatic Dryer, FME Transactions, No. 39, pp.139-144, 2011. ( ISSN 1451-2092).
[14] Tolmac D., Prvulovic S., Pavlovic M., Dimitrijevic D.: Analiza recikliranih kola u Srbiji i pregled optimalne tehnologije, Facta universitatis - Mechanical еngineering, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 215-228, 2011.
[15] Prvulovic S., Tolmac D., Caleta R., : Pregled korišcenja obnovljivih izvora energije na globalnom nivou, Termotehnika, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 35-45, 2012.
[16] Prvulovic S., Tolmac D., Josimovic Lj., Tolmac J. : Remote Monitoring and control of pumping station in the water supply systems, Facta universitatis - Mechanical engineering, Vol.11, No 1, pp.113-121, 2013. (UDC 621.225.4)
[17] Gluvakov Zorica B., Prvulovic Slavica S., Brkic Miladin J.Analiza oblika otvora na prstenastim matricama presa za peletiranje biomase, Termotehnika, vol. 41, br. 1, str. 9-15, 2015
[18] Mošorinski Predrag, Prvulovic Slavica, Palinkaš Ivan, Improving the characteristics of pneumatic transport of grain, Journal of Applied Engineering Science, vol. 15, br. 3, str. 218-224, 2017
[19] Slavica Prvulovic, Jasna Tolmac, Milica Joksimovic, Dafina Dragicevic, Biogas Equipment for Electricity and Heating, Scientific Technical Review, 2020,Vol.70,No.1,pp.17-20, 2020.
[20] Slavica Prvulovic, Jasna Tolmac, Eleonora Desnica, Milica Josimovic, The Station for Dosing the Substratum into Existing Digesters – PreMix, Scientific Technical Review, 2021,Vol.71,No.1,pp.15-18
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