
Одабрани научно-стручни радови

30. 09. 2023.


  1. Dobrilovic, D.; Pekez, J.; Desnica, E.; Radovanovic, L.; Palinkas, I.; Mazalica, M.; Djordjevic, L.; Mihajlovic, S. Data Acquisition for Estimating Energy-Efficient Solar-Powered Sensor Node Performance for Usage in Industrial IoT. Sustainability 2023, 15, 7440. [IF2021 = 4.089]


  1. Mihajlovic S., Ivetic D., Berkovic I.: Image Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks, X International Conference on Applied Internet and Information Technologies – AIIT, 16. Oktobar, 2020, Zrenjanin, pp. 264-269, ISBN 978-86-7672-342-3, UDK 004(082)(0.034.4)
  2. Mihajlovic S., Kupusinac A., Ivetic D., Berkovic I.: The Use of Python in the field of Artifical Intelligence, XI International Conference of Information Technology and Development of Education – ITRO, Zrenjanin, Oktobar, 2020, pp. 136-140, ISBN 978-86-7672-341-6, UDK: 37.01:004(082)
  3. Mihajlovic S., Ivetic D., Berkovic I.: Use of CNNs on mobile devices to protect data from malware and unauthorized attacks, XI International Conference on Applied Internet and Information Technologies – AIIT, 15. Oktobar, 2021, Zrenjanin, pp. 175-179, ISBN 978-86-7672-352-2, UDK 004(082)(0.034.4)
  4. Mihajlovic S., Ivetic D., Berkovic I.: Application of CNNs on mobile devices for emotion recognition based on facial expressions, XI International Conference on Applied Internet and Information Technologies – AIIT, 15. Oktobar, 2021, Zrenjanin, pp. 203-206, ISBN 978-86-7672-352-2, UDK 004(082)(0.034.4)
  5. Mihajlovic S., Ivetic D., Berkovic I., Dobrilovic D.: Thermal Images Analyzes of Platform for Solar Radiation Data Acquisition, XII International conference on Applied Internet and Information Technologies – AIIT, 14. Oktobar, 2022, Zrenjanin, pp. 269-274, ISBN 978-86-7672-361-4, UDK 004(082)(0.034.4)
  6. Radosav D., Desnica E., Pekez J., Dobrilovic D., Radovanovic Lj., Mazalica M., Mihajlovic S., Djordjevic L.: Possibility of using solar energy sources within of smart technologies, XII International conference on Applied Internet and Information Technologies – AIIT, 14. Oktobar, 2022, Zrenjanin, pp. 167-171, ISBN 978-86-7672-361-4, UDK 004(082)(0.034.4)
  7. Mazalica M., Mihajlovic S., (mentori prof. dr Dalibor Dobrilovic, prof. dr Dragica Radosav): Approach in mapping solar radiation data in geographic information system, 8. International Symposium »Brainstorming in Agora Students Scientific Circle – BACStud2022«, Agora University of Oradea, 13-15. Oktobar, 2022, Oradea, Rumunija, pp. 15-20 (ISBN 978-973-1807-63-8)
  8. Desnica E., Pekez J., Dobrilovic D., Radovanovic Lj., Radosav D., Djordjevic L., Mazalica M., Mihajlovic S.: Research in the field of renewable energy through the application of modern ICT technologies, 6th Conference on Mechanical Engineering Technologies and Applications COMETa, 17-19. Decembar, 2022, Jahorina, pp. 712-718, ISBN 978-99976-947-6-8
  9. Mihajlovic S., Mazalica M., Dobrilovic D.: Overview of Simulation Tools for Fog, Edge and Clouding Computing, XIII International Conference of Information Technology and Development of Education ITRO, Zrenjanin, 25. Novembar, 2022, pp. 215–221 , 978-86-7672-362-1, UDK: 37.01:004(082)(0.034.4)
  10. Siniša Mihajlovic (menthors. prof dr Dalibor Dobrilovic, prof. dr Jasmina Pekez), THE APPROACH IN USING SUPPORT VECTOR REGRESSION (SVR) IN SOLAR PANEL PERFORMANCE ANALYSES, 9. International Symposium »Brainstorming in Agora Students Scientific Circle – BACStud2023«, Agora University of Oradea, October 13-15., 2023, Oradea, Romania. (In Press)


  1. Mihajlovic S., Simic N., Dobrilovic D., Desnica E., Radosav D.: Internet of Things and WSN technology applications in Oil and Gas industry, RES - Ресурсы Европейского Севера. Технологии и экономика освоения, 2018, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 28-33, ISSN: 2412-9976, UDK: 004


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