1. Keith Devlin Introduction to Mathematical Thinking (Eng)
2. Laura Lemay How to Prove It: A Structured Approach, 2nd Edition Cambridge University Press (Eng)
3. Benjamin C. Pierce Types and Programming Languages The MIT Press Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge (Eng)
4. Simon Thompson Type Theory and Functional Programming Addison-Wesley (Eng)
5. Michael L. Scott Programming Language Pragmatics Morgan Kaufmann; 3rd edition (Eng)
6. Niklaus Wirth Compiler Construction Addison-Wesley (Eng)
7. Richard Bird, Philip Wadler Introduction to Functional Programming Prentice Hall International Series in Computing Science, Prentice Hall (Eng)
8. P. Van Roy, S. Haridi Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming MIT Press (Eng)
9. R. Sebesta Concepts of programming languages Addison Wesley (Eng)
10. Tucker and R. Noonan Programming Languages: Principles and Paradigms McGraw-Hill Science (Eng)
11. Scott M. Programming Language pragmatics Morgan Kaufmann (Eng)
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