

14. 06. 2024.

1. Цветковић Драган Рачунарска графика ЦЕТ Београд (Срп)
4. Bernard Jahne Digital Image Processing, 5th revised and extended edition Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York (Eng)
7. Langetepe Elmar, Zachmann Gabriel Geometric Data Structures for Computer Graphics A K Peters/CRC Press (Eng)
11. Разни аутори Научни радови и монографске публикације релевантни за област Разни издавачи (Срп)
8. Rui Rodrigues, Teresa Matos, Alexandre Valle de Carvalho, Jorge G. Barbosa, Rodrigo Assaf, Rui Nobrega, Antonio Coelho, A. Augusto de Sousa Computer Graphics teaching challenges: Guidelines for balancing depth, complexity and mentoring in a confinement context Graphics and Visual Computing, 22 April 2021Volume 4 (Eng)
10. Rachel McDonnell, Katja Zibrek, Emma Carrigana, Rozenn Dahyot Model for predicting perception of facial action unit activation using virtual humans Computers & Graphics, Special Section, Volume 100, November 2021, Pages 81-92 (Eng)

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