

14. 06. 2024.

1. Greene, R.W Opening Access: GIS in E-Government Environmental Systems Research Institute (Eng)
2. Audet, R. and Ludwig, G. GIS in Schools ESRI Press (Eng)
3. Harder, Christian ArcView GIS Means Business: Geographic Information Systems Solutions for Business Environmental Systems Research (Eng)
4. Deaton, M. L. and Winebrake. J. J Dynamic Modeling of Environmental Systems Springer-Verlag, New York (Eng)
5. Guariso. G. and Werthner, H. Environmental Decision Support Systems Ellis Horwood Books, Chichester, England (Eng)
7. Бурроугх, П & МцДоннелл Р Принципи географских информационих система Грађевински факултет, Универзитет у Београду (Срп)

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