1. Paul Taylor: From Patient Data to Medical Knowledge: The Principles and Practice of Health Informatics, Blackwell Publishing (Eng)
2. Frank Sullivan, Jeremy Wyatt: ABC of Health Informatics (ABC series) Blackwell Publishing (Eng)
3. Coiera Enrico: Guide to Health Informatics, 2nd ed. Hodder Arnold Publication, London (Eng)
4. Edward H. Shortliffe, James J. Cimino: Biomedical Informatics: Computer Applications in Health Care and Biomedicine. Third ed. New York, Springer Science & Business Media LLC (Eng)
5. Jerome H. Carter: Electronic Health Records. A guide for clinicians and administrators. Second Edition United states of America, American Colledge of physicians (Eng)
6. James M. Walker, Eric J. Bieber, Frank Richards: Implementing an Electronic Health Record System (Health Informatics) Springer-Verlag, London (Eng)
7. Carolyn P. Hartley, Edward D. Jones: III EHR Implementation: A Step-by-Step Guide for the Medical Practice United States of America, American Medical Association (Eng)
8. Златко Д. Максимовић, Чедомир Радовановић, Ружица Јелисић, Северин Ракић, Срђан Мијатовић: Менаџмент у здравству, Академска мисао (Срп)
9. Горан Трајковић, Зоран Букумирић: МЕДИЦИНСКА СТАТИСТИКА У Р ПРОГРАМСКОМ ОКРУЖЕЊУ, Академска мисао (Срп)
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