
Basic information about library

23. 12. 2024.

A library is much more than a room full of books. It is primarily a place for spreading knowledge and exchanging data, and only then a distributor:

  • book (textbook, monograph, assignment collection)
  • students' theses (graduate, specialist, master's theses, doctoral dissertations)
  • magazine

The library provides users with a pleasant space for intellectual work within the library space and a special reading room located right next to the Faculty's library.

The Library's working hours are on weekdays: 07:00-15:00, and with users on weekdays from 07:00-14:00. Break: 10.00-10.30 am
New location of the library: Second floor of the new part of the faculty building (Annex).


  • MSc Svetlana Dobrosavljev - contact e-mail: ,
  • Dragana Bugarcic - contact e-mail:


You can download the ORCID manual in the attachment of the announcement



The complete library collection is recorded in the electronic catalog of the BISIS 4.0 information system, so that users can search the collection according to various criteria and have an insight into the availability of a library unit by accessing the BISIS software from the Faculty's online workshop and from their home.

Access to BISIS

Databases (accessible through the Library):
KoBSON enables researchers who are employed in academic, research and health institutions founded by the Government of the Republic of Serbia and under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Science.

KoBSON has subscribed to issues from the following publishers, aggregators and databases:
Publishers: Am Chem SocAm Inst PhysAm Psych AssocASMECambridgeEmeraldInst Phys PublOxford JournalsRSCSAGEScience DirectSpringer/KluwerWiley
Aggregators (available with an embargo or delay period of three months to a year): EBSCO,Hein On Line,High Wire,Free Medical,HINARI,JSTOR,,DOAJ,Project MUSE,TEEAL,Scindeks,DoiSerbia
Electronic books: Cleveland Med IndexEBSCO eBookGoogle BooksDOABHein On LinePubMed knjige,Science DirectSpringer

Index databases: INISMEDLINESCOPUSSCIndeksSciFinderWeb of Science

Digital repository of defended doctoral dissertations:
Digital library of dissertations of the University of Novi Sad

Doctoral dissertations made available for public inspection:

Doctoral dissertations that were publicly available but were not defended:

Стари сајт


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