
Sanja Stanisavljev (Associate Professor)

05. 09. 2023.

Email: sanja.stanisavljev@tfzr.rs


  1. Business ecology
  2. Management of technological development
  3. Reengineering
  4. Organization of business systems
  5. Risk management
  6. Management of sustainable development
  7. Planning and production management

Vice Dean for Education

Стари сајт


☗ Technical Faculty ,,Mihajlo Pupin"
(Within University of Novi Sad)
⚲ Đure Đakovića bb, 23000 Zrenjanin
☎ Tel. +381 23 550-515
☏ Fax: +381 23 550-520
✉ е-mail: dekanat@tfzr.uns.ac.rs
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