
Sanja Stanisavljev (Associate Professor)

05. 09. 2023.

Email: sanja.stanisavljev@tfzr.rs


  1. Business ecology
  2. Management of technological development
  3. Reengineering
  4. Organization of business systems
  5. Risk management
  6. Management of sustainable development
  7. Planning and production management

Vice Dean for Education

Terek Stojanovic Edit

05. 09. 2023.

Email: edit.terek@tfzr.rs


  1. Organizational culture
    2. Organizational behavior
    3. Knowledge management
    4. Management of creative potentials
    5. Professional practice 1
    6. Professional practice 2
    7. Professional practice 3
    8. Management and development of human resources
    9. Relations with the public
    11. Leadership

Member of the organizing and program committee and secretary of the symposium EMC 2011, EMC 2012, EMC 2013, EMC 2014, EMC 2015.

Kavalic Mila (Docent)

05. 09. 2023.


  • mila.kavalic@tfzr.rs
  • milakavalic@gmail.com



  1. Business law and ethics - lectures and exercises
  2. Human resource management - lectures and exercises
  3. Management of technological development - exercises
  4. Management of work processes - exercises


Master studies:

  1. Modern methods and techniques of management - lectures
  2. Management of creative potentials - exercises
  3. Introduction to writing a scientific paper - exercises
  4. Organizational behavior - exercises
  5. Management of sustainable development - exercises
  6. Knowledge management - exercises


PhD studies:

  1. Management and development of human resources - lectures

Bakator Mihalj (Docent)

05. 09. 2023.

Email: mihalj.bakator@tfzr.rs


1. Engineering and Innovation (Exercises) https://classroom.google.com/c/MjAxMTE5MzM5Mzgx?cjc=d4cu2hb

2. Quality management (exercises) https://classroom.google.com/c/MTkyODIzNTg3OTc1?cjc=cpr352k

3. Engineering methods (exercises) https://classroom.google.com/c/MjAwMzkyMzA3MDg0?cjc=u7pwete

4. System theory (exercises) https://classroom.google.com/c/NDExOTU2NTk1NzY1?cjc=v5ur622

5. Entrepreneurship (exercises) https://classroom.google.com/c/MTU2ODc3ODc1MDI1?cjc=fyasqhl

6. IT entrepreneurship (exercises) https://classroom.google.com/c/MTkyODIzNTg3OTkx?cjc=zm6rsnu

7. Basics of finance (exercises) https://classroom.google.com/c/MjAwNzk2ODA0MDE3?cjc=btqe5tj

6. Management and decision-making methods (exercises)
7. Business plan (exercises)
8. Sustainable development (exercises)

9. Management of sustainable development
10. Management trends

Kovac Dragana (Teaching Associate)

05. 09. 2023.

Email: dragana.milosavljev@tfzr.rs


1. Change management
2. Basics of economics
3. Organizational culture
4. Management
5. Business economics
6. Management of work processes
7. Public relations
8. Leadership
10. Strategic management
11. Business ecology
12. Basics of finance
13. Financial management
14. Modern management methods and techniques
15. Risk management
16. Introduction to writing a scientific paper

Gluvakov Verica (Teaching Associate)

05. 09. 2023.

Email: verica.gluvakov@tfzr.rs


  1. Strategic Management
  2. Investment management
  3. Marketing
  4. Financial management
  5. Change management
  6. Risk management
  7. Public Relations
  8. Basics of finance
  9. Business communication
  10. Business ecology
  11. a business plan
  12. Management of technological development

Ugrinov Stefan (Teaching Associate)

05. 09. 2023.

Email: stefan.ugrinov@tfzr.rs

Desnica Eleonora (Full professor - head of the department)

05. 09. 2023.

Email: eleonora.desnica@tfzr.rs


1. Industrial design
2. Fundamentals of mechanical constructions
3. Theoretical mechanics
4. Mechanics - Dynamics
5. Machine elements
6. Mechanical engineering in practice
7. Construction of machines
8. Computer design
9. CAD/CAM mechanical design
10. Machine structures and mechanization
11. Mechanics and mechanisms

Djapic Nina (Associate Professor)

05. 09. 2023.

Email: nina.djapic@tfzr.rs


1. Chemistry
2. Chemistry NIG
3. Physical and colloidal chemistry
4. Biochemical and microbiological principles
5. Technique and technology of oil production
6. Technique and technology of gas production
7. Bioenergy fuels


Markovic Milan (Assistant)

05. 09. 2023.

Email: milanzrmarkovic@gmail.com

  • Faculty: Technical Faculty "Mihajlo Pupin", Zrenjanin, University of Novi Sad
  • Major: Industrial engineering in oil and gas exploitation
    Enrolled/completed: 2014/2018.
  • Graduated engineer in industrial engineering in oil and gas exploitation
  • Topic of the diploma thesis: "Collection and preparation for the shipment of oil and gas of the Velebit collection and discharge station", grade 10
  • Master's studies: Technical Faculty "Mihajlo Pupin", Zrenjanin, University of Novi Sad
  • Major: Mechanical Engineering
  • Enrolled/Completed: 2018/
  • Master's Studies: Faculty of Mining, Geology and Civil Engineering, University of Tuzla
  • Direction: Borehole exploitation of mineral raw materials
  • Enrolled/Completed: 2019/
Стари сајт


☗ Technical Faculty ,,Mihajlo Pupin"
(Within University of Novi Sad)
⚲ Đure Đakovića bb, 23000 Zrenjanin
☎ Tel. +381 23 550-515
☏ Fax: +381 23 550-520
✉ е-mail: dekanat@tfzr.uns.ac.rs
PIB: 101161200
Giro account number: 840-1271666-43