
Dobrosavljev Olivera (Graduate Librarian)

05. 09. 2023.

Position: Librarian
E-mail: biblioteka@tfzr.rs


  • Primary school »Dositej Obradovic« Zrenjanin
  • High School of Economics »Jovan Trajkovic«
  • Zrenjanin (bookkeeping-mechanographic course)
  • Higher School of Economics, Novi Sad
  • Technical Faculty »Mihajlo Pupin« Zrenjanin (Professor of Technical Education)
  • Passed the professional exam for a librarian in 2003.
  • Defended master's thesis: "Analysis of aspects of business communication in the librarianship of the Republic of Serbia" / 2011.


Employed continuously since August 3, 1979. at the Faculty at workplaces:

  • cashier/accounting employee (1979 - 1992)
  • student affairs officer / head of student services (1992 - 2001)
  • librarian.
Стари сајт


☗ Technical Faculty ,,Mihajlo Pupin"
(Within University of Novi Sad)
⚲ Đure Đakovića bb, 23000 Zrenjanin
☎ Tel. +381 23 550-515
☏ Fax: +381 23 550-520
✉ е-mail: dekanat@tfzr.uns.ac.rs
PIB: 101161200
Giro account number: 840-1271666-43