
Tasic Nemanja (Assistant)

05. 09. 2023.

Email: nemanja.tasic@tfzr.rs


1. Designing educational software
2. Theory of information and communication
3. Business administration
4. Technique teaching methodology
5. Materials
6. Introduction to the technique
7. Software development methodology
8. Information technologies
9. Informatics in environmental protection
10. Modeling
11. Introduction to technical systems
12. Human-computer interaction
13. Internet tools and services
14. Multimedia systems

Стари сајт


☗ Technical Faculty ,,Mihajlo Pupin"
(Within University of Novi Sad)
⚲ Đure Đakovića bb, 23000 Zrenjanin
☎ Tel. +381 23 550-515
☏ Fax: +381 23 550-520
✉ е-mail: dekanat@tfzr.uns.ac.rs
PIB: 101161200
Giro account number: 840-1271666-43