
Accreditation of study programs in 2014

03. 08. 2023.

  • Information Technologies - Dipl. engineer inf. technology
  • Management of information technologies - Dipl. information technology management engineer
  • Informatics and technology in education - Dipl. professor of informatics and technology
  • Engineering Management - Dipl. Engineering management
  • Mechanical Engineering - Dipl. Mechanical Engineer
  • Clothing Engineering - B.Sc. technology engineer
  • Environmental Engineering - B.Sc. Eng. environmental protection
  • Industrial Engineering in Oil and Gas Exploitation - Bachelor of Industrial Engineering in Oil and Gas Exploitation
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☗ Technical Faculty ,,Mihajlo Pupin"
(Within University of Novi Sad)
⚲ Đure Đakovića bb, 23000 Zrenjanin
☎ Tel. +381 23 550-515
☏ Fax: +381 23 550-520
✉ е-mail: dekanat@tfzr.uns.ac.rs
PIB: 101161200
Giro account number: 840-1271666-43